

Uterine Fibroid

"GET RID OF FIBROID, NOT UTERUS". BRING YOUR SMILES BACK .... Uterine Fibroid it is one of the most common benign tumour and condition seen in many females.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Prolonged menstrual periods
  • Frequent urination
  • Backache
  • Constipation
  • Infertility
  • Distended lower abdomen

Traditional treatments was hysterectomy- patient uterus will be removed Myomectomy open / lap - a part of uterus is scraped off - can cause adhesions. Any disturbance in normal anatomy will cause complications later.

Best will be UTERINE ARTERY EMBOLIZATION - done through a small pinhole. With very less or no complications.

While visual appearance is a sign of varicose veins, many patients may experience one or more of the following leg symptoms:

  • Non- surgical / No General Anaesthesia
  • A very safe / Single puncture procedure
  • No cut/No suture / No Scar technique
  • Shorter recovery / Less Hospital stay / Less chances of infection
  • Can retain uterus
  • Does not affect fertility / Can conceive even after procedure